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sobota 31. januára 2015


Dnes bolo konečne teplo. Relatívne :D ...tak inak...dnes bolo dostatočne teplo na to, aby som ukradla Dálii cardigan, šla odfotiť zopár fotiek a nezamrzla. Enormné množstvo snehu, ktoré stihlo za poslednch pár dní napadať sa bleskurýchle topí. Yes! +Post plný snehu očakávajte v najbližších hodinách...možno dňoch. Uvidíme čo to dá. :D Šál aj čierne (vlastnoručne dotrhané) rifle sú zo sekáča. Občas sa tam dá naozaj natrafiť na dobré veci, skoro zadarmo.
At last but not least, fotky od úžasnej : Dálie S.


nedeľa 25. januára 2015

Only Forever.

 Zase nasnežilo... Ani to nebudem komentovať, jednoducho, už chcem jar a toto sa na ňu ani trošku nepodobá. Pred pár dňami som v  maminej skrini našla túto fialovú mikinu. Tá vraj ešte zažila diskotéky minulého storočia. :D 
Snow everywhere...again. I just need spring. This violet jacket is from my mother´s closet. Mum wore it on 90´s parties. Love pieces with a story. :D

Bomber Jacket: H&M (boys)
Jeans: Tally Weijl
Shoes: Deichmann
Jacket: My mum´s closet

sobota 24. januára 2015

Liebster Award #2

Po troch týždňoch mám konečne čas sa nadýchnuť. Bola som chorá a následne zavalená kvantom písomiek na Gympare. Ale keď už bolo po všetkom, prídem sem a čo nenájdem? Dve nominácie na Liebster Award. Tak ďakujem:  Another Serendipity a Britany Legette. Tento post je v podstate len na čítanie, takže vy, ktorím sa nechce čítať- kliknite na krížik a počkajte si na nové ,,outfitové´´ posty. Tento týždeň dúfam budú minimálne 3. :D
After three weeks, I finally have a bit of time for myself. I was sick and after that, my lovely school smothered me with tests. And lastly, I came here, an found two Liebster Award nominees. So thank you: Another Serendipity and Britany Legette. :D

Čo je Liebster Award?
Myšlienkou celého Liebster award je pomôcť vyjadriť názor, ,,šíriť slovo´´ tým blogerom, ktorí buď nie sú až tak známi, alebo sú medzi blogermi noví.
What is the Liebster Award?
The idea of the Liebster Award is to help spread the word of less well-known blogs and those who are just starting out in the world of blogging.

The Rules:
Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog.
Answer the questions given by the nominator.
Nominate 11 other bloggers (who have less than 200 followers) and link them.
Notify all the bloggers you nominated.
Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer.


What is one thing you want to do before you die?
Write testament.

Describe your wildest dream.
Ou fck. I can´t, you ´ll think I´m pervert. But for ex. last week I had a dream about my 64 years old maths teacher doing somersaults. Is that wild enough? :D 

What's your favorite book?
1.The Immortals
2.The last song,
3.Hunger games

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Hate when someone just can´t close the door.

If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?
Transposition. Definitely. 

Your go-to outfit?
Skinny jeans, shirt, sneakers.

What is one thing about yourself you are confident about?

How do you like to spend your weekends?
With notebook. Watching Skins, HIMYM, AHS. Out. Reading a book. Taking photos, playing the guitar, doing exercises. Stalking a blogging. <3 (typical weekend) 

Favorite movie?
500 Days Of Summer

Where do you dream of living?
Prague, Paris.

Favourite songs, bands?
Songs:      Have love, will travel.-The Sonics
                 Landslide- Tony Clark
                 Owl vision- Antichrist
Bands:      Arctic Monkeys
                 The Kooks
                 The Beatles

What is your goal for the next week?
- I definitely have to visit a gym. :D

What was the best thing about 2014?
I started blogging! I was happy, red some books, wrote stories, discovered some new bands.

What is the one beauty product you can´t live without?
Eucerin cleaning water.

What's your biggest fear?

If you could go to the future or the past which would you choose and where would you go, why?
To the future, Slovakia 2035. I want to see where I´ll be, and how many children I´ll have :D

Do you have a signature scent? If so, what is it?
Yes, violets.

What is one thing you wish you could pull off (fashion/beauty related)? 
Mini skirts :D so sorry guys.

Who is your celebrity role model?
Miss Cara Delevingne . Because she is fighter, she is not afraid to talk about, human rights, women´s rights, freedom of speech. Love her.

Where do you see yourself in a couple of years?
In Prague, at the university...hope still blogging and still happy.

My nominations are: 


My questions for you are:

 What are 5 things that you couldn’t live without?
One place you’d love to visit?
 What is the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
Happiest memory?
What made you want to be a blogger?
 Who is your favorite YouTuber?
Name a book that you recently finished reading.
How do you feel when a snowstorm hits your area and everything is cancelled for the day?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Who is your celebrity role model? Why?
What´s your biggest fear?

pondelok 5. januára 2015

Knee socks.

I don´t have the mood for blogging or doing anything these days. As you know, I hate winter and I hate to dress up warmly and put on many clothes. I look forward to spring weather. Have a lot of ideas.
 I really did not know, what this post will be about. But before two days, I was lying on my bed and listening to Knee socks by Arctic Monkeys... So, I had an idea to put on some knee socks with shorts... bad idea :D It was to cold! -1°C ...and gusty winds. This is the result... hope you´ll like it. ;)

Photos by Eli. 

I´m wearing:

Denim Shorts- Levi´s
Sweater- NY
Knee socks- Skiny
Boots- Deichmann
Jacket- H&M
Winter Cap- H&M
Coat- H&M
Rings- Six, Gate